Elevate Your Online Presence

Search Engine Optimisation, Oxfordshire

In the vast digital landscape, visibility is key to success. If your website is hidden on the second page of Google or beyond, you’re missing out on valuable traffic and opportunities.

At akoca, we specialise in WordPress SEO, offering tailored strategies to SMEs in Oxfordshire & beyond to enhance your site’s visibility, positioning it to compete effectively in search results.

Get discovered by your customers

WordPress SEO Experts in West Oxfordshire

Let’s uncover the hidden potential of your website together, with personalised SEO guidance tailored just for you.

We work with businesses in Oxfordshire and beyond, partnering with you to ensure your site is found by your ideal customers.

The problem

Lost in the Digital Crowd?

In a world where 75% of users never look past the first search page, being invisible online means missed opportunities. Your website might be a masterpiece, but without visibility, it remains unseen and underutilised.

The solution

Visibility with SEO

Together, we navigate the complexities of SEO. Our approach includes comprehensive audits and customised strategies, guiding your site to become a magnet for your ideal audience.

The outcome

From Hidden to Highlighted

Imagine your website attracting the right attention, driving increased traffic, and generating more leads. With our expert SEO services, watch your digital footprint expand, and your business thrive.

Why akoca for SEO?

Our approach

We understand the frustration of unseen potential.

Many businesses come to us after disappointing experiences with SEO, often feeling like their previous efforts were in vain.

Focused on transparency, we craft strategies driven by data, prioritising your growth and a partnership where your success is our main goal.

Step #1

Discovery call

We start by understanding your business, your goals, and your challenges. This initial conversation sets the foundation for a tailored SEO strategy.

Step #2

Data analysis

We benchmark your current online presence to identify where improvements can be made.

Step #3

Objective setting

Together, we set realistic goals that align with your business aspirations.

Step #4

Competitive analysis

Understanding your market and competitors allows us to find opportunities for your website to shine.

Step #5

Keyword strategy

We target keywords with the right intent, volume, and competitiveness to attract your ideal customers.

Transparency and Growth

Our commitment to transparency and growth drives our SEO approach. We view our relationship as a partnership, focusing on empowering you towards achieving your business goals. Through clear communication and strategic planning, we make SEO a journey of mutual success. Join us in building a future where your website stands out and your business flourishes.

Questions we often hear

Common queries, simplified answers.


Can you guarantee results?

We promise to work towards your goals with proven strategies, aiming for significant improvement. Absolute guarantees on rankings are unrealistic, and we prioritise honesty and effective methods over empty promises.


Why should I continue SEO after I am on page 1?

A question we hear often and one with a number of answers;

Firstly, you may not need to - that's a benefit of SEO over PPC.

This said, SEO is an ongoing process – over time, your rankings may start to dip if you’re not building links and adding fresh content to your website.

Maintaining your position is as crucial as reaching it. SEO's dynamic nature means ongoing efforts may be needed to stay ahead of competitors and adapt to search engine updates. Plus, there's always more growth to pursue with new keywords and opportunities.


Can I manage SEO on my own?

Yes, and we're here to support you if you choose that path.

Keep in mind, SEO is complex and constantly evolving. Our expertise can help navigate these waters more effectively, but we're here to empower your efforts with guidance and support.


What if we part ways?

We'll ensure a smooth transition, providing you with all necessary resources and wishing you continued success. Our goal is to leave you better equipped for your SEO journey, regardless of its direction.


How is pricing determined?

Our pricing is tailored to match the work needed to achieve your specific goals. We focus on aligning our efforts with your growth ambitions, ensuring a transparent and strategic approach to enhance your site's performance and meet your business objectives.


When will I see SEO results?

SEO progress varies, typically showing significant results within 3-12 months, influenced by factors like industry and competition.

If you are looking to increase traffic to your website ASAP then our PPC services may be a better option for you.

Ready to Transform Your SEO Strategy?

Take the first step with akoca.

Let’s make your website a beacon for your target audience.

Start your journey to SEO success today.

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