Transform Your Digital Reach with data-driven

Pay Per Click (PPC) Management

Welcome to akoca’s PPC Management Services, your gateway to immediate online visibility and growth. Nestled in the heart of Witney, West Oxfordshire, we extend our expertise beyond borders, helping businesses like yours shine in the crowded digital space.

Benefits of PPC management with akoca

Why work with akoca for PPC?

Our PPC management not only brings your business into the spotlight but also ensures every click counts towards your growth.

Experience a partnership that drives not just traffic, but the right traffic to your door, making every marketing pound work harder for you.

Let’s unlock the full potential of your online advertising together, making every click count towards your growth.

  • NDirecting the right customers to you

    Imagine your business being the first thing potential customers see when they’re searching for what you offer. PPC ads are the bridge, connecting your products & services with those who need them most, right when they’re searching. Every ad is a beacon, guiding highly relevant traffic straight to your doorstep.

  • NInvesting where it counts

    Your budget isn’t just numbers; it’s a resource we steward with care. By investing in what works—targeting ads that perform and pausing what doesn’t—we ensure your marketing £ are working as hard as you do, bringing you closer to your goals with every click.

  • NUnlocking opportunities with data-driven insights

    Discover the perfect opportunities for your business to stand out. Our research into keywords and the competitive landscape ensures your ads reach the right audience, turning visibility into opportunity.

  • NStretching every pound for maximum impact

    Maximise your investment with strategic spending. We optimise your PPC campaigns for efficiency, ensuring each click contributes to your business’s growth.

  • NAdapting for success

    The digital landscape is always changing, and so are your campaign’s needs. Our ongoing monitoring, optimisation & reporting mean your PPC efforts are never set in “set and forget” mode. We’re constantly tuning, tweaking, and refining, ensuring your campaigns stay ahead of the curve and on target for your goals.

  • NDirecting the right customers to you

    Imagine your business being the first thing potential customers see when they’re searching for what you offer. PPC ads are the bridge, connecting your products & services with those who need them most, right when they’re searching. Every ad is a beacon, guiding highly relevant traffic straight to your doorstep.

  • NInvesting where it counts

    Your budget isn’t just numbers; it’s a resource we steward with care. By investing in what works—targeting ads that perform and pausing what doesn’t—we ensure your marketing £ are working as hard as you do, bringing you closer to your goals with every click.

  • NUnlocking opportunities with data-driven insights

    Discover the perfect opportunities for your business to stand out. Our research into keywords and the competitive landscape ensures your ads reach the right audience, turning visibility into opportunity.

  • NStretching every pound for maximum impact

    Maximise your investment with strategic spending. We optimise your PPC campaigns for efficiency, ensuring each click contributes to your business’s growth.

  • NAdapting for success

    The digital landscape is always changing, and so are your campaign’s needs. Our ongoing monitoring, optimisation & reporting mean your PPC efforts are never set in “set and forget” mode. We’re constantly tuning, tweaking, and refining, ensuring your campaigns stay ahead of the curve and on target for your goals.

Start generating traffic instantly with Pay Per Click advertising

PPC gives your business the opportunity to drive instant traffic to your website by utilising search engine ads such as Bing ads and Google ads. Where SEO is focussed on long term organic traffic by appearing higher up on the results page, Pay Per Click advertising is focussed on bidding on keywords to bring relevant traffic in quickly. Depending on what your businesses Digital goals and budget are, PPC should be a serious consideration if you’re looking to increase sales of products and services online.

Our approach

At akoca, we believe in being transparent and making data-driven decisions. Our approach to PPC is a blend of art and science, starting with a deep dive into your business goals and audience needs. Here’s how we tailor our strategy to ensure your success:

Step #1

Strategic planning for precision targeting

  • Understanding your audience: We start with insights, turning data into a roadmap that leads your ideal customers straight to you.
  • Mapping the customer journey: Every click has a story. We ensure your ads are chapters in a journey that ends in conversion.

Step #2

Crafting your campaign for greater impact

  • Creating compelling ads: We ensure your brand's message resonates clearly, connecting with your audience in a meaningful way.
  • A data driven approach: Success is in the details. We set up your campaign so that we can track, learn, and adapt, ensuring every ad is a step towards your goals.

Step #3

Launch & optimise for growth

  • Launching your vision: Your campaign goes live, but our work is just beginning. We monitor, optimise, and celebrate each success along the way.
  • Dedicated optimisation: Continuous improvement is our mantra. Your campaign evolves as your business grows, always aiming for higher ROI.

Questions we often hear

Have questions? We’ve got answers. From how we work to what you can expect, find out everything you need to know about partnering with akoca.


Why choose akoca for your PPC management?

Choosing akoca means partnering with a team that sees beyond clicks to your business's growth. We blend a personal touch with digital mastery to spotlight your online presence. Our dedication to clear communication and real-world results positions us as more than service providers—we're your growth partners, ready to navigate the digital landscape together.


How long does PPC take to work?

PPC, once live, will start generating traffic straight away, offering immediate visibility.

This said, optimising for ROI cant take time. We aim for quick wins and long-term growth, with most campaigns seeing significant improvements within the first few months.


What investment do you suggest for PPC?

Costs for a PPC campaign will vary.

Typically speaking, you can expect a set up fee, an ad budget and a management fee.

The ad budget will be dependant on your goals along with your industry. We recomend a minimum budget of £500.00 per month.


What type of business' do you work with?

Our PPC expertise spans various sectors, from e-commerce platforms seeking sales boosts to local service providers aiming to enlarge their customer base. Our approach is adaptable, ensuring we can craft a strategy that resonates with your specific business model and industry demands.


Who owns the PPC campaign?

The campaign is yours, through and through.

Ownership of data—what's working and what isn't—remains with you.

This principle guides us to set up all accounts in your name, ensuring you have full access and control over your campaign's insights and outcomes.


How will I know the PPC campaign is effective?

Our commitment to transparency means you're never in the dark about your campaign's performance. Regular, detailed reporting and access to your account dashboard provide a clear view of progress and results.

How can PPC grow your business?

Take the first step with akoca.

Get in touch by filling out our contact form, we’re happy to have a chat.

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