Boosting Your Online Presence: The Best Free SEO Tools for Small Businesses

Featured image hsowing data from google search console and SEMrush for our post The Best Free SEO Tools for Small Businesses

This post was written by Jordan Farrar

Jordan is an accomplished Digital Marketer leading the team at akoca. Continuously enhancing his knowledge through industry updates and best practices, Jordan delivers top-tier solutions for clients. Within akoca, he oversees and guides various projects with his extensive knowledge and expertise. In addition, he's host for Abingdon’s Buzz local networking group, establishing solid connections with fellow businesses.
31 Oct, 2023
Featured image hsowing data from google search console and SEMrush for our post The Best Free SEO Tools for Small Businesses

In today’s digital marketplace, having an edge is more crucial than ever, and for small businesses, that edge can often be harnessing SEO effectively. But let’s be clear – while the world of Search Engine Optimisation offers immense potential, it can be overwhelming, especially with the myriad of tools available and when you’re watching the pennies. The good news? There’s a bunch of free SEO tools out there, but not all are created equal. For businesses wanting effective results without the high price tag, it’s essential to know which tools genuinely deliver. This guide aims to cut through the clutter, spotlighting reliable and impactful free tools tailored to your needs. We’ve sifted through the noise to bring you the best of the bunch. So let’s get to it…

The Best Free SEO Tools for Small Businesses

Google Tag Manager

Logo of Google Tag Manager Alright, first things first: Google Tag Manager (GTM).


Imagine a bustling train station where every train line represents a different tool or script for your website. Google Tag Manager is that grand central station, housing all these different “lines” in one consolidated hub. It ensures that everything runs on time and without a hitch.

Benefits & Significance:

GTM simplifies tag management, preventing the clutter of multiple scripts. This not only keeps the backend neat but also optimises site speed—a critical SEO ranking factor. In fact, we’ve explored in-depth how vital page speed is for SEO on our blog. With GTM, you’re not just streamlining; you’re directly bolstering your SEO efforts.

Top Tip:

When using GTM, always plan your tag structure ahead of time. It streamlines future updates and ensures you capture all essential data efficiently. We’ve often found that a clear tag structure can make future updates and tracking changes a lot easier.


Google Analytics 4

Icon for GA4


Google analytics is a free web analytics tool that tracks and reports on your websites traffic. Think of Google Analytics as your website’s control centre. It tracks visitors, how long they stick around, which pages they love, and so much more. Essentially, it’s our way of keeping a finger on the digital pulse of the website.

Benefits & Significance:

GA4 gives businesses the power to make informed decisions. Instead of shooting in the dark, you have data-driven insights about which marketing strategies work and which don’t.

Top Tip:

Begin with setting up Events & Conversions in Google Analytics 4. Whether it’s tracking form submissions, e-commerce transactions, or time spent on a key page, this will provide you with actionable insights on user interactions. At Akoca, we’ve found that regularly monitoring and tweaking these Events & Conversions allows us to better understand our audience and optimise the user journey.


Google Search Console

Untitled design 45


Previously known as Google Webmaster Tools, Google Search Console (GSC) is like a health check-up tool for your website that we use frequently. It provides insights into how Google’s search bots see your website and any potential issues they might encounter. From indexing status to search queries that bring users to your site, GSC is an invaluable tool that sheds light on many critical aspects of your site’s performance in Google search.

Benefits & Significance:

Google Search Console acts as your site’s early warning system. If there’s ever an issue with your site’s SEO health — be it crawl errors, manual actions, or indexing problems — GSC will alert you. Beyond just problem alerts, it provides insights into which keywords drive traffic to your site, what position you rank for those keywords, and how often your site appears in the search results. This data is gold for businesses keen on refining their SEO strategy.

Top Tip:

After making key site changes, use Google Search Console’s ‘URL Inspection’ tool to submit updated pages for indexing. It speeds up Google’s recognition of your changes. We’ve found that incorporating this into our standard process has significantly improved the time it takes for our updated content to gain visibility in search results, ensuring our clients get timely results. Image of google search console demonstrating how to manually submit a page for indexing



Screaming Frog

Logo for Screaming Frog


Meet Screaming Frog, a staple in the Technical SEO world. This nifty tool is essentially a website crawler, designed to fetch key on-site data elements to aid in on-page & Technical SEO. It goes through your website, much like a search engine would, and pulls out essential information – from broken links to duplicate content, and a lot more in between.

Benefits & Significance:

With Screaming Frog, you get an in-depth analysis of your website’s structure. It highlights areas that might be hindering your site’s performance in search engines. Understanding these areas and making necessary adjustments can play a massive role in boosting your online visibility.

Top Tip:

When facing a website migration, Screaming Frog is an absolute lifesaver. It allows for an easy export of critical site elements like meta descriptions and titles, ensuring nothing gets lost in the shuffle. If you’re considering a website migration, having a streamlined process is essential. Incorporating this tool into our migration strategy has made the transition smoother and more efficient, every single time.



Logo for Semrush


SEMrush’s free offering provides a set of tools that can help small businesses get a feel for the platform. With options spanning keyword research to a smattering of content tools, it’s a decent starting point for those wanting to explore SEO on a budget.

Benefits & Significance:

While the free version is limited, it offers a glimpse into areas like keyword insights, basic competitor analysis, and a handful of site and content audit features. It’s a useful resource for businesses keen to get some foundational insights without committing financially.

Top Tip:

Dabble in competitor analysis with SEMrush’s free version. Even with the limited domain overviews available, you can still gain insights into your competitors’ top-performing keywords. It can be an eye-opener, highlighting potential keyword opportunities you might have overlooked.


Google Page Speed Insights

Logo for Pagespeed insights


Googles PageSpeed Insights (PSI) tool provides a look into the nighty gritty of what is slowing your website down. It’s a tool by Google that assesses the performance of web pages and provides suggestions to improve them. Pagespeed Insights gauges your site on both mobile and desktop devices, ensuring you know exactly where enhancements are needed.

Benefits & Significance:

Speed is now a significant player in the SEO game. Slow-loading pages can deter visitors and potentially harm your rankings. PSI offers a detailed breakdown, highlighting factors that affect your website’s speed. With this tool, you’re equipped with the data to make necessary adjustments, thereby enhancing user experience and SEO. Remember, every second counts in the digital realm, and a faster site can significantly improve your bounce rate and user engagement.

Top Tip:

Don’t just focus on the overall score PSI provides. Dive deep into the specific suggestions it offers. Often, the most significant performance gains come from addressing the finer details like image optimisation or render-blocking resources.


Rankmath SEO

Rankmath Logo


When it comes to on-page SEO for WordPress websites, Rankmath SEO is one of our favourite tools. It’s a comprehensive WordPress plugin that offers a slew of SEO features, making the task of on-page optimisation considerably more straightforward. From meta titles and descriptions to XML sitemaps and rich snippets, Rankmath covers alot of it – for free.

Benefits & Significance:

Having an optimised site structure is key for search engine visibility. Rankmath SEO assists in streamlining many of the SEO elements that search engines look for when ranking web pages. It not only provides actionable insights and recommendations but also ensures that your content is primed to achieve the best possible visibility. While it’s tailored for WordPress, the principles it champions—like effective keyword use, meta descriptions, and structured data—are universal SEO best practices applicable to any platform.

Top Tip:

Ensure Rankmath SEO is set up correctly from the start. Dive into its settings, tailor features to your needs, and regularly use tools like built-in redirects when updating content. A properly configured plugin amplifies your site’s SEO.


Answer the public

Answer the public


Answer The Public is a fantastic tool that visualises search questions and suggested autocomplete searches in an image called a “search cloud”. By simply inputting a seed keyword, you can discover what questions your audience is asking about it. It’s like having a window into the most pressing queries and concerns of your potential customers.

Benefits & Significance:

For content creators, this tool is a goldmine. It offers insights into topics and questions your audience is actively seeking answers to. By targeting these questions, you can produce content that addresses real-time needs, increasing the relevance of your content. Additionally, addressing these queries can potentially help you rank for featured snippets on Google.

Top Tip:

Don’t just use Answer The Public for blog ideas; it’s also invaluable for FAQs, product development, and understanding customer pain points.


Google Keyword Planner

Logo for Google Ads - Keyword Planner


Google Keyword Planner is a tool within the Google Ads dashboard designed to help advertisers discover keywords for their ad campaigns. This said, its utility extends far beyond paid advertising. By tapping into this tool, you can uncover keyword ideas, see how often certain terms are searched, and understand how keyword trends change over time and apply this to your SEO campaign.

Benefits & Significance:

Keyword research is the backbone of any effective SEO strategy, and Google Keyword Planner offers a reliable means to gather this data. By using this tool, you can gauge the search volume of keywords, anticipate shifts in search behaviour, and identify terms with a high potential for organic traffic. Essentially, it provides the insights needed to target the most relevant and impactful keywords for your content.

Top Tip:

While it’s tempting to go after keywords with the highest search volumes, remember to consider the intent behind them. In our experience, targeting long-tail keywords with a clear intent can often result in higher conversion rates.

Final thoughts on Free SEO Tools

Navigating the expansive world of SEO can sometimes feel like charting a vast ocean, but the right tools make all the difference.

We’ve covered a fair number of the best free SEO tools for small businesses. From Google Tag Manager’s streamlined script management to the deep insights offered by SEMrush.

These tools, when leveraged correctly, have the power to significantly boost your digital visibility and performance. However, it’s essential to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution in SEO.

What works wonders for one business might not yield the same results for another. So, our biggest piece of advice? Dive in, experiment, and find the unique blend of tools that resonate with your brand’s goals and needs.

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and staying adaptable is key.

Feel like we missed a tool that deserves a mention? We’re all ears – leave a comment below.

And if the array of options feels daunting, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help guide you through the maze and find the ideal tools to elevate your digital journey.

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