If you’re considering or happen to be in the process of migrating your website to a new platform/domain. Or are just having a website revamp to upgrade the look and feel of your site – then this post is for you.
Website migrations can be tricky. Get it wrong and you stand to lose all the traffic (and the good that comes with it) to your website. Where many business owners go wrong is assuming that the person or company who are working on your new website will have taken SEO into account.
Redeveloping a website without considering SEO is like constructing a beautiful building without a foundation. No matter how skilled the decorator or architect is, without the solid groundwork laid by the bricklayer, the entire structure is at risk of collapsing. Similarly, without a solid SEO strategy in place during redevelopment, even the most visually appealing website may lose its ability to attract and retain the desired traffic.
By following a structured approach, you can streamline your website migration process and avoid any potential setbacks that could impact your search engine rankings and user experience. Your process should aim to cover everything from planning and preparation to post-migration monitoring, ensuring a smooth and successful transition.
To this end, if you want to migrate your website with confidence, read on to learn more on the best way to go about it.
What is a Website Migration?
A website migration can mean a number of things. It can be the process of moving your website from one platform or web host to another for instance. It involves transferring website files, databases, and domain settings while ensuring that the website remains functional and retains its search engine rankings.
Whether you’re switching to a new hosting provider, updating your website design, or changing the content management system, migrating your website can be a complex task. A successful website migration can lead to improved website performance, security, and user experience. However, a poorly executed migration can result in broken links, lost data, and decreased website traffic.
Why migrating your website properly is important
When having your website re-designed, one of the most important considerations is SEO. When starting from scratch with a brand new website, this isn’t really a problem. However as your website evolves, there will likely be things you want to change.
Now imagine the following; You’ve invested in SEO and it’s paid off, your a service based business and your website accounts for 70% of your new enquirys. For whatever reason you decide that a website revamp is in order and fail to consider your SEO. You think that your designer will take care of it – after all, SEO and Web Design is the same thing right? The web design process goes well, you have a new shiny website which looks great. The problem is that the designer wasn’t aware of the SEO best practices and so traffic falls off a cliff. Your website is starting from scratch – at least when it comes to gathering the right visitors. This is a problem, 70% of your enquirys have gone away.
Sure, this is an extreme example but it happens – hopefully it’s given you the idea.

Image demonstrating poor website migration effect in google search console
Tips for Ensuring a Smooth and Successful Site Migration
To ensure a smooth and successful website migration, there are several things to keep in mind – let’s run through them. First things first, planning. Having a detailed plan in place is the first step to any successful migration.
Your plan should outline all necessary steps and contingencies for any potential issues. Additionally, it’s essential, to thoroughly test your new website before launch, taking care to ensure all functionality and content is working correctly.
It’s also recommended to communicate any changes with users and ensure that all redirects are in place to maintain traffic and avoid broken links. Finally, working with an experienced web development team can provide you with valuable expertise and support throughout the migration process.
We would highly recommend asking your web developer how they envisage SEO being affected and if this is covered within the scope of the project. If you’re handling the migration in house, consider bringing in an SEO consultant to ensure you’re following best practices. Additionally, this post by Search Engine Land runs through in great detail how you can successfully migrate your website.
What are the benefits of website migration?
Migrating your site can have several benefits for your website and business. By migrating to a new platform or CMS (Content Management System), you can take advantage of new features and functionality. This can improve your website’s overall performance & user experience.
You may also wish to migrate if you are restricted within your current set up as you’ll be able to update your website’s design and layout to make it more modern and visually appealing. Website migration can also improve your website’s speed and loading times, which can help to increase user engagement and reduce bounce rates. Finally, migrating can make it easier to manage your website and make updates in the future.
Does migrating my website affect SEO?
Yep, migrating your website can have a significant impact on your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO) if not done correctly. Search engines use complex algorithms to rank websites, and any changes to your website’s structure or content can affect where you rank in search engines. In our opinion ensuring your website migration is done in a way that minimises any negative impact on your SEO is one of the most important considerations.
What are the risks of website migration?
There are several risks associated migrating a website. As we’ve covered in this post, one of the most significant risks is loss of traffic. This can occur if your new website is not properly optimised for search engines or if errors occur during the migration process.
Another risk is a loss of data, which can occur if the migration process is not carefully planned and executed. Other risks include broken links, site downtime, and decreased user experience. To minimise these risks, it is essential to plan and execute the migration carefully and work with a team of experienced professionals.
Final Thoughts on Website Migration strategy
If you’re considering or in the process of migrating your website to a new platform/domain or revamping your site, it’s essential to consider SEO from the beginning. Without a solid SEO strategy in place during redevelopment, even the most visually appealing website may lose its ability to attract and retain the desired traffic.
A successful website migration can lead to improved website performance, security, and user experience, while a poorly executed one can result in broken links, lost data, and decreased website traffic. Therefore, having a detailed plan in place, thoroughly testing your new website before launch, communicating any changes with users, ensuring that all redirects are in place, and working with an experienced web development team can provide you with valuable expertise and support throughout the migration process.
Ready to take your website to the next level? Let our team help you revamp your online presence and increase your business’s success. Don’t miss out on potential growth opportunities – contact us now to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you achieve your goals!
Super useful tips in here Jordan, thanks!
Glad you found it useful Prash – easily overlooked, catch up soon!